
Natural Mineral Face Sport Zinc Sunscreen SPF 30 / 50

(89 kundrecensioner)

100% NATURLIG SOLKRÄM FÖR SPORT | Reef-safe solkräm för alla typer av utomhusaktiviteter. Gjord för varmt väder (lättast att applicera över 20 grader).

EKOLOGISK & MINIMALISTISK | Krämig solkräm med tjock konsistens så att du lätt ser var du är skyddad. Baserad på tre till fyra naturliga och ekologiska ingredienser.

HÖGPRESTERANDE SOLKRÄM | Vetenskapligt validerat bredspektrumskydd mot UVA- och UVB-strålar – blockerar 97 / 98 % av UVB. Mycket vatten- och svettresistent. Mycket vatten- och svettresistent.

MINERALBASERAT UV-FILTER | Innehåller non-nano zinkoxid som enligt forskning är det säkraste tillgängliga UV-filtret för människors hälsa, koraller och marint liv.
ZERO WASTE | Förpackad i en resevänlig aluminiumburk. Helt plastfri!    45 g / 50 ml — 80 min vattenresistent — UVA UVB — Naturlig kokosdoft — 2 färger

189 kr


Säg hej till en helt naturlig zink-solkräm som håller sig på plats i både stora vågor och svettiga aktiviteter på land. Innehåller inga tvivelaktiga ingredienser och svider inte om den hamnar i ögonen. Reef safe – säker för korallrev och marint liv. Det här är originalet. Det är helt enkelt den zink-solkräm som du alltid har letat efter.

Denna sportsolkräm är formulerad med non-nano zinkoxid och skapar ett synligt skyddslager från första appliceringsögonblicket. Oöverträffad vattenresistens och högpresterande funktionalitet som älskas av professionella idrottare och vardagliga äventyrare runt om i världen.

Förpackad i en plastfri och läckagesäker aluminiumburk som älskar att resa lika mycket som du gör. Lättast att använda vid temperaturer över 20 grader (om du är i kalla temperaturer, värm burken i fickan eller handen före användning).

Original White Suntribes klassiska sportformula och har en naturlig vit färg.
Mud Tint är Suntribe mest diskreta sportformula, ekologiskt kakaopulver gör att krämen smälter in i huden.

Ytterligare information

Vikt N/A
Dimensioner N/A


Original White: Cocos Nucifera Oil (Kokosolja)°, Cera Alba (Bivax)°, Non-Nano Zinc Oxide (Non-nano zinkoxid). °Certifierat ekologisk

Mud Tint: Cocos Nucifera Oil (Kokosolja)°, Cera Alba (Bivax)°, Non-Nano Zinc Oxide (Non-nano zinkoxid), Theobroma Cacao Seed Powder (Kakaopulver)°. °Certifierat ekologisk

Material: Burk gjord från 56% återvunnen metall, helt återvinningsbar. Etiketter av 100% återvunnet papper. Återvinning: Metall. Tillverkad i EU. Hållbarhetstid: Kontrollera datumet på förpackningen. Använd inom 1 år från att du har öppnat förpackningen.


Använd fingrarna för att applicera ett synligt lager på ansiktet, applicera ett tjockare lager på de delar du vill skydda mer, till exempel näsa, öron, läppar och nacke. Skyddet håller i många timmar innan du behöver ta på mer. När krämen inte längre är tydligt synlig på huden är det en indikation på att du ska ta på mer.

Lättast att applicera vid rumstemperatur (20 grader eller högre). I kallare temperaturer, håll burken i fickan eller i handen i en minut för att mjuka upp den.


Tillverkare: Suntribe AB

Adress: Scheelevägen 15 22363 Lund Sverige Kontakt: [email protected] Säkerhetsinformation: Endast för utvärtes bruk.

89 recensioner av Natural Mineral Face Sport Zinc Sunscreen SPF 30 / 50

  1. Engelska

    PH München

    Ich liebe Schnorcheln aber immer trage ich trotz Sonnenschutz einen Sonnenbrand davon. Daher war ich super happy, dass diese Crene/Paste auch unter Wasser dauerhaft der Sonneneinstrahlung stand hält und bereits angegriffene Haut schützt. Immer wieder gerne.

  2. Engelska

    Iris Venneker

    TOP für den Sonnenschutz beim Surfen!

  3. Engelska


    This has prevented burn on my ear tips and nose bridge which typically suffer. It’s simple enough to apply and a really neat little tin to carry around. It smells nice too, slightly of cocoa butter or something like that. My kids also don’t complain as they feel less greasy suntan lotion and they like painting themselves to look like wod painted warriors.
    The salve doesn’t rub off easily from general wear and in the water but can be easily removed with a wet wipe very cleanly. Not sure how that works..dark art indeed, but a useful one.

  4. Engelska

    Stephen Etches

    I bought this product because I wanted a broad spectrum sunscreen for my nose for cycling. I chose this because it is natural with no chemicals. Have used it several times now and it is just what I wanted. Nice package and design, easy to apply and wash off and will supply many applications. Recommended

  5. Engelska

    Kerstin Uhlemann

    Hat eine fester Konsistenz, mann muss sich an das Auftragen erst gewöhnen, aber Super Sonnenschutz und das einzige Produkt das bei mir nicht verläuft.

  6. Engelska


    Me ha sorprendido mucho. La compré porque buscaba una crema que fuese natural y no perjudicara el medio ambiente, pero lo que no me esperaba es que hiciese tan buen olor y que me fuese a gustar tanto su textura (fácil de aplicar y fácil de quitar después, sin dañarte la piel como sucede con otras cremas). Además, las veces que la he usado me ha aguantado toda la sesión de surf entera, sin quemarme. La compré en azul ya que vi que el colorante era natural también, pero creo que me voy a comprar una de cada para ir variando 🙂

  7. Engelska

    J. Oliver

    Zum Surfen absolut prima, denn die Creme ist sehr sehr wasserfest und auch nach zwei Stunden im Meer und ein paar Wipeouts ist der Schutz noch gegeben. In der Tat ist sie sehr fest und deshalb etwas schwierig aufzutragen, aber genau deshalb haftet sie halt auch so gut auf der Haut. ich waerme die Dose in der Hosentasche an auf dem Weg zum Strand, nach ca 15 Minuten ist sie dann weich genug zum Auftragen. Absolut empfehlenswert fuer spezielle Anwendungen (Nase, Lippen, etc).

  8. Engelska

    Marina M

    supertoller, natürlicher bio-sonnenschutz,…. getönt – sieht sooo schööön aus, auch bei problemhaut deckt es super ab und macht einen echt hübschen teint,… ich fühle mich sehr wohl damit und vor allem, weil alles natur-pur ist – DANKE !!!

  9. Engelska

    Davida Åström

    When I found this product I was so stoked about the entire concept, why would anyone use more ingredients if these three are more than enough? Especially when this product provides better sun protection than any other product I’ve tried, not even a sign of redness or sunburn. For my kind of skin that usually reacts to sunscreen with small pimples, it was such a relief to find this product. It felt smooth and absolutely non-greasy on my skin and I didn’t get a single pimple! It was rather that my skin looked more balanced afterward. Will absolutely buy it again.

  10. Engelska


    Die Creme ist einfach super … beim Surfen oder auch Bootfahren/SUP auf dem Fluss.
    Da ich schnell einen Sonnenbrand im Gesicht bekomme, war ich auf der Suche nach
    einer guten Sonnencreme, die ich schließlich mit diesem Produkt gefunden habe.

  11. Engelska


    Excellent product, worth every penny. I use this whilst windsurfing and surfing, it lasts all day. Very effective. No stinging eyes.

  12. Engelska


    Alles Perfekt

  13. Engelska


    Ich bin sehr zufrieden mit der Handhabung und der Wirkung des Sonnenschutzes. Endlich habe ich meine Marke gefunden!

  14. Engelska

    Julia Hassert

    Super Sonnencreme. Geeignet zum Surfen, Kayak- und Skifahren (bei eisiger Piste und Sonnenschein). Sieht ein bisschen eigentümlich aus aber da es die Haut schützt ist mir das egal. Kann ich total weiterempfehlen

  15. Engelska


    Very good. All natural and it works. It’s difficult to apply but it stays on and my skin felt very protected during a long walk in the sun, no freckles appeared!
    Look forward to using it in the water when surfing is allowed again.

  16. Engelska


    Kept my red haired son’s nose and check bones well protected whilst surfing. No rash or redness afterwards either. Love the fact it is reef safe and will definitely buy again from this seller.

  17. Engelska


    Un petit contenant hyper pratique, qu’on glisse de partout et trimballe facilement.
    Ca sent bon, on l’étale facilement, et surtout, ça résiste même après un temps fou passé dans l’eau!
    Dommage qu’il n’y ait pas davantage de crème ( mais ça induirait un plus gros contenant )
    Je suis pleinement satisfait pour ma part

  18. Engelska


    Unglaublich schöne ökologische Alternative. Hält lange und riecht wirklich super, nicht zu stark. Auch für den Alltagsgebrauch.

  19. Engelska


    Dieses Spitzenprodukt zum fairen Preis wurde ganz schnell geliefert und entspricht genau meiner Vorstellung.

  20. Engelska


    Wir haben das Produkt gekauft, da andere Produkte zu allergischen Reaktionen geführt haben. Die Sonnencreme ist erwartungsgemäß nicht so leicht aufzutragen, wie Lotion, aber sie tut was sie soll und das sehr gut. Der Geruch hat etwas leicht kokosartiges. Unsere Kleine mag den Geruch sehr gern.

  21. Engelska


    Gran crema solar y eficaz para pieles blancas como la mía. Textura fácil de aplicar y un olor muy agradable. Un producto un poco caro, la verdad, pero creo que por lo poco que se necesita cada vez que la aplico, me durará un par de años! Recomiendo altamente su compra

  22. Engelska

    Tobias Martetshläger

    Sehr praktisch und handlich zu transportieren. Die Dose find ich cool, mal was anderes. Ich habe immer eine richtig großzügige Schicht aufgetragen bevor ich ins Wasser ging und die hat wirklich gehalten, also top. Meine Schwester hat sie auch ausprobiert für den Strand, ganz wenig und schön eingerieben und sie war unsichtbar auf der Haut. Also für jeden ne gute Anschaffung für den Sommer würd ich sagen!

  23. Engelska


    Great – Well, my nose hasn’t burnt yet!

  24. Engelska


    Bin sehr zufrieden mit der Creme. Die Konsistenz ist eher fest – wird geschmeidiger bei höherer Temperatur. Schön ist die dezente Tönung, so dass ich auf der Stirn gleichzeitig die Abdeckung einer Narbe mit dem an dieser empfindlichen Stelle besonders nötigen Sonnenschutz verbinden kann, und zwar im Alltag bei viel Sonne, nicht nur bei Outdoor-Sport, sondern generell bei Outdoor-Aktivität ohne sportlichen Anspruch.
    Diese unauffällige Verwendung im Alltag gefällt mir besonders gut.

  25. Engelska


    Idealer Schutz bei jeder Wassersportart

  26. Engelska


    Lo he usado poco de momento, sólo dos veces. En la primera aplicación me ha costado extraer el producto con la mano para pasarlo bien en todo el rostro, parece que a medida que se va ablandando es más fácil. Aún no me he quemado con él y ha resistido a un baño largo. De momento, bien.

  27. Engelska

    F&R Radler

    Super Produkt, riecht angenehm und hält gut auf der Haut. Ist zwar nicht billig, aber wenn einem die Umwelt was wert ist, dann sollte Mann/Frau auf jeden Fall zu diesem Produkt greifen.

  28. Engelska


    Die Sonnencreme riecht herrlich nach Kokos und alle in der Familie lieben sie. Wir wissen was drin ist und das ist das tollste. Dadurch kann auch die kleinste die Creme bedenkenlos benutzen. Vielen Dank für dieses tolle Produkt.

  29. Engelska

    Deborah Brennan

    Really nice product, great coverage, lasts hours. Lovely packaging.

  30. Engelska


    Dieses Spitzenprodukt zum fairen Preis wurde ganz schnell geliefert und entspricht genau meiner Vorstellung. Bin mit dieser Sonnencreme sehr zufrieden und werde sie bei Bedarf auch wieder kaufen.

  31. Engelska


    Ich bin begeistert! Bio und umweltfreundlich, zieht schnell ein, ist wasserfest und duftet dazu noch wunderbar. Was will man mehr für den Sommer!

  32. Engelska


    ideal zum mitnehmen (Dose) – wenig Inhaltsstoffe, keine Chemiekeule – habe ich schon lange gesucht – schnelle Lieferung und super Kontakt zum Verkäufer, da ich noch Fragen hatte – nur zum empfehlen – super Preis-/Leistungsverhältnis

  33. Engelska


    Brilliant. No petroleum, all natural l, works brilliantly. 2 weeks solid windsurfing no pink nose and maintained my unblemished peach like skin!! A winner. Small tin which I thought wouldn’t be enough, but lasts for ages and barely made a dent in it.

  34. Engelska

    Laurane Blettery

    Je suis allée à la plage. Je vis au Portugal et sincèrement efficacité 100%. Resiste à l’eau et sent très bon. Je vais l’acheter encore et encore !

  35. Engelska

    Joern M.

    Dein Produkt ist wirklich nicht schlecht. Ich surfe seit über 30 Jahren und habe schon viele Zink Cremes ausprobiert nach Australischen Standard, Deiner steht da nichts nach

  36. Engelska


    Geruch, Verpackung und Gebrauch ist wunderbar. Toll finde ich besonders, dass das Produkt natürlich und dadurch umweltfreundlich ist.

  37. Engelska

    vladimir reinhardt

    Fue un regalo y no sé como ha funcionado

  38. Engelska

    Tim Washington

    I used it for a prolonged working trip through South East Asia and it was the best item I brought along on the trip. I was out in the sun all day everyday.
    – I usually get sunburned on the first day regardless of how much sunscreen I put on but with this one I actually escaped any sunburn at all!
    – It’s definitely the most bulletproof method of sun protection I’ve encountered so far
    – Of course you can’t easily apply it on your entire body unfortunately, but for the face, hands and neck it worked better than anything else
    – Super waterproof, the question is more how to get it off! But we figured it out, either rubbing it into the skin afterwards (makes the skin super soft) or using a soft towel is the best approach.
    – Such a handy size to keep in your pocket and use readily.
    A great product for all outdoor activity not just sailing and surfing!

  39. Engelska


    Proteccion real y duradera para nosotros surferos. se queda horas y horas . Los colores son suaves, y no de niño como en muchos casos. indispensable para todos los surferos veraneros.

  40. Engelska

    Mattia Rifino

    La uso per le uscite sul surf, in gommone e in montagna! Ottima

  41. Engelska


    Hard to apply but great coverage- despite tint still comes out very pale

  42. Engelska


    Ich habe die Zinkcreme beim Surfen in Bali genutzt. Ich habe sehr empfindliche, helle Haut und habe nicht nur keinen Sonnenbrand gehabt, sondern auch keinerlei Hautreizung, oder Unreinheiten wegen der Creme! SIe ist einfach aufzutragen, die leichte Farbe macht auch Spaß und sie hält eine gute Surfsession auf der Haut.
    Ich finde es auch gut, dass keine Zusatzstoffe genutzt werden, die das Meer unnötig belasten!
    Eine klare Kaufempfehlung!!

  43. Engelska


    I was very surprised. I bought it because I was looking for a cream that was natural and did not harm the environment, but what I did not expect was that it made such a good smell and that I was going to like its texture so much (easy to apply and easy to remove later, without damaging the skin as with other creams). In addition, the times I’ve used it have endured the entire surf session without burning me. I bought it in blue since I saw that the dye was natural too, but I think I’m going to buy one of each to go varying 🙂

  44. Engelska


    I went to the beach. I live in Portugal and sincerely 100% efficiency. Resists water and feels very good. I will buy it again and again!

  45. Engelska


    Very happy with the product – had bought it for the holidays in Costa Rica – surf in warm water and Suntribe stayed super on the skin even after over two hours. In addition, the cream smells (rather consistency of … paste) very pleasant to coconut. However, unlike other zinc surf pastes, it can also be removed. I took the tinted version and was very satisfied. Does not quite stand out in the face like white sunscreen.

  46. Engelska


    Great product and perfect for the toddler refusing to have suncream reapplied frequently when in and out of the swimming pool

  47. Engelska


    Gran crema solar y eficaz para pieles blancas como la mía. Textura fácil de aplicar y un olor muy agradable. Un producto un poco caro, la verdad, pero creo que por lo poco que se necesita cada vez que la aplico, me durará un par de años! Recomiendo altamente su compra

  48. Engelska

    charlotte marchand

    The material being so compact in the tin, I was afraid it would be difficult to spread but not at all. Sunscreen stayed on for 3h.
    I use it now before each session, and the small pink tint looks better than a traditional white zinc paste.

  49. Engelska

    A. Abrahams

    Not sure if this being factor 30 as opposed to factor 50 makes much difference.I use it on my nose and forehead to stave off Actinic keratoses (solar keratoses) which I have suffered from. I got the pinkish suncream. You may find it difficult to open the tin untill like me a few days later you spot the words press to open and hey presto. So DON’T try unscrewing the top. Next, it says cream but it it more like a very firm cake. You can safely with the lid off run it under a hot tap, it does not melt but softens it enough to apply. What I now do, though it dilutes it a bit, I place a couple of drops of organic hair oil onto the cake and with a combination of fingernail scraping and finger stirring come up with a nice mixture to smear or spread wherever. Can’t see the maker approving of this but it works well for me and haven’t got a sunburnt nose yet, which is good because I have got a fair old hooter that sticks out a bit. And the stuff well and truly sticks. At the end of the day if you are not too girly leave it on or a bit of face cream helps get it off. Its like this because of the beeswax. Great product. Highly recommend.

  50. Engelska

    Carlos Gaspar Pereira

    Great sunscreen! Provides you all the expected benefits without any side effects from parabens and alike products.

  51. Engelska

    Ben Tetlow

    Only sunscreen I plan on using for sports and mainly surfing, works great and doesn’t cause acne breakouts…really confused why other brands use tons of ingredients tbh

  52. Engelska


    The tin and the colors are the best things about this product. I also like that it stayed on so well and prevented the aftermath that is a red nose after my long day out in the sun & the ocean.

    Had some difficulty to get it out of the tin at first but it wasn’t worse than applying lip balm in the cold.

  53. Engelska


    El envío ha sido rápido, aunque venga desde Suecia. Producto muy bueno y se ajusta a lo que pedía.aunque sea una pequeña lata, tiene pinta de durar bastante, por lo que el precio está justificado. Ingresientes de buena calidad y no son dañinos ni para la piel, ni para la vida marina.
    Una gran compra.

  54. Engelska

    Jeremie Delefosse

    La crème est très efficace , agréable a étaler. Même après plusieurs heures dans l’eau on se sent toujours protégé. Je l’utilise également pour mes enfants sans aucun souci.
    Enfin, un produit bon pour la santé et l’environnement et bon rapport qualité prix.

    The cream is very effective and pleasant to spread. Even after several hours in the water you always feel protected. I also use it for my children without any worries.
    Finally, a good product for health and the environment and good value for money.

  55. Engelska

    nigel jones

    I have a problem using normal sunscreen on my face, in as much that it irritates my eyes, after research it seemed i needed a zinc based cream, this product has solved my problem, although it is difficult to totally rub in and there’s always a little bit of residue left its better than having sore itchy running eyes, i can certainly recommend and will be buying again when i run out…. BIG thanks.

  56. Engelska

    Amazon Customer

    This product is great too and in a really funky little innnovative yet retro container! My son works at a watersports center here in Greece and has raved about this product, so any serious sports fanatics in the sun looking for a great sun block then this is your baby!

  57. Engelska

    Tilli Walter

    Wirklich gut für alle Sportler, die viel der Sonne ausgesetzt sind. Die Idee mit den verschiedenen Tönungen ist genial, man muss nicht mehr leichenblass aussehen.
    Hält auch nach intensivem Wasserkontakt.

    Really good for all athletes who are exposed to the sun a lot. The idea with the different tints is awesome, you do not have to look deadly pale.
    Also holds after intensive water contact

  58. Engelska

    Ex-Pat in Sweden

    I’d bought this sunscreen out of curiosity to be honest. A sunscreen in a tin, with only 3 ingredients? That piqued my interest and despite the fact that I’m not a surfer I had a very good experience. The way I use the sunscreen is that I apply the tiniest little bit on my nose and cheek especially, make sure to rub it in well and I can be out for several hours in the sun without a hint of redness. I like it that this is by far the least greasy sunscreen I have ever tried and it barely smells at all. Most importantly, it doesn’t run and lasts for hours. The tin makes it super easy to carry around as well. A very good experience

  59. Engelska


    Great product, smells beautiful, easily opened and applied, so pleased I’ve finally found a product that stops my sons nose from burning

  60. Engelska


    Es espectacular durante todo el verano la use para mis niños. Ellos encantados y yo tranquila porq no se quemaron. Buen olor y la textura un poco densa pero sin dificultad de aplicar.

  61. Engelska


    When I go kiting the first time in the spring, I usually burn myself at least once.
    Luckily, this time I had the sunscreen from Suntribe with me, which has absolutely convinced me. We were partly 5 hours in the water and one does not necessarily think of the Nachtragen, if the conditions are so optimal. Still, we were not a bit red in the evening, just fantastic !! Apply thick enough to have a nice white face and then wipe off with a washcloth in the evening – that works great!

  62. Engelska


    Die Sonnencreme fürs Gesicht ist alternativ zusammengesetzt, sehr ergiebig und schützt. Optisch durch die verschiedenen Farben nicht super auffallend, aber es fällt auf (dh für schöne Fotos nicht geeignet), aber sie soll ja auch beim Wassersport genommen werden (und hält dort sehr gut). Sie ist allerdings etwas hart – dh das Entnehmen und Auftragen ist etwas mühsam.

    The sun cream for the face is alternatively composed, very productive and protects. Visually not super conspicuous by the different colors, but it stands out (ie not suitable for beautiful photos), but it should also be taken in water sports (and holds there very well). However, it is a little hard – ie the removal and application is a bit difficult.

  63. Engelska

    elena gal

    Très bonne produite! Protégé tout la journée, très résistantes a l’eau et en contact avec les vêtements!
    Je travaille dans le jardin tout la journée donc je le recommande:)

  64. Engelska


    Love this sunscreen!
    Easy to apply and is truly waterproof and stays on for hours. Perfect if you are on and off the water a lot and care about the environment

  65. Engelska


    No sunburn, no running, best sunscreen I’ve ever had. It has a clever opening mechanism, you just pop it open at the arrow in the front. /Oscar

  66. Engelska

    Roland RIDGWAY

    Aspect sympa, très bonne odeur, et surtout pas trop gras et collant !
    Je recommande

    Nice appearance, very good smell, and especially not too greasy and sticky!
    I recommend

  67. Engelska


    A good, sustainable sunscreen without artificial sunscreen filters – what more could you ask for? Especially for surfing or skiing I can only recommend this cream. I would not use it every day, either, because it just leaves a white film on her skin – but it should.
    For daily skin protection just in the face I use the sunscreen – also from Suntribe and am super happy about it.

  68. Engelska

    Amazon Customer

    Love this sunscreen!
    Easy to apply and is truly waterproof and stays on for hours. Perfect if you are on and off the water a lot and care about the environment

  69. Engelska


    Feb Zinc très agréable qui protège et hydrate en même temps, a utiliser en montagne mais également en mer. Boîtier contenant le zinc sans plastique, compact, packaging sympa, et très intuitif d’ouverture et facile a transporter ! Je recommande vivement

  70. Engelska

    Tina M.

    LOVE THE SMELL!! Literally can’t get over how good this smells, smells like chocolate! Also protects really well, even when you only apply a thin layer – I did that sometimes so that you wouldn’t see it that much and it works just as well, only when I go into the water I apply more. Such a nice product!

  71. Engelska

    Max K.

    Works really well! Recommend it to everyone looking for a natural sunblock. Needed very little, the tin I bought will probably last for my next two holidays as well which is nice 🙂

  72. Engelska


    We have been using this red sunscreen all summer on our girls. A bit difficult to apply sometimes (got into the habit of carrying the tin in my pocket on the way to the beach, that helped) but once you’ve gotten it onto the skin, it’s just perfect – smells good (very little), protects all day, you can literally see that your kids are covered and you don’t have to worry about them playing in the water the entire time. Used it in combination with the Body & Face cream, which is much easier to apply and remove as well.

  73. Engelska


    Love the blue colour, looks great on slightly tanned skin! Held in the water for hours, really happy with how my skin felt afterwards

  74. Engelska


    Always stays on for those super long surfs, great!

  75. Engelska


    First time I feel good about what I put onto my skin and what washes off my skin into the ocean when I go diving. Awesome product! Especially when you’ve read about the impact other UV-filters have it is fantastic to find a product that actually responds to these studies and provides a great alternative for everyone that cares just one bit about our beautiful oceans. I’ve been diving for years and even stopped using sunscreen at all for a while because I simply couldn’t find anything that wouldn’t give me the shivers. This product is just what I had been looking for, thank you so much!

  76. Engelska


    Great product. Protects extremely well and one tin lasts for like an eternity.

  77. Engelska

    The Andersson family

    Such a simple product and it works so well. Just goes to show you you really don’t need all these chemicals that you can’t even pronounce. Wonderful concept that we love to support!

  78. Engelska


    Wir lieben diese Sonnencreme! Waren drei Wochen Segeln in der Karibik damit und einfach begeistert vom Ergebnis. So toll wenn man sich mal nicht ständig sorgen muss, dass man trotz Sonnencreme verbrennt. Die Sonne war wirklich extrem und wir fühlten uns sehr gut geschützt, die Creme war auch sehr angenehm auf der Haut, hatte sogar gefühlt einen leicht kühlenden Effekt? Bei unserem nächsten Segeltrip definitiv wieder dabei, die ganze Crew war hin und weg.

  79. Engelska


    Got introduced to this sunscreen at our surf camp in Portugal and bought it again afterwards, since it was really our saviour during that surf trip! It really protected well despite the fact that we spent literally hours in the water, forgot about time or reapplying and even went out during noon. Surfing is so much more fun when you don’t have to worry about our skin coming off afterwards!

  80. Engelska


    This sunscreen has become indispensable when we go kiting. Most bulletproof method of sun protection I have encountered so far and I have tried a lot. Love the natural approach to it!

  81. Engelska


    Quite a challenge to get the sunscreen out of the tin in the beginning, but once you get the hang of it it works perfectly! Switched to using my fingernails after a while, that worked great. Once it was on my skin, I couldn’t have been any happier! Really didn’t have to worry about getting sunburned, the cream really stuck to my face and I could stay in the water for hours, without even having to check. Will never go surfing without it again.

  82. Engelska

    Daniel M.

    Impossible to apply in cold temperatures. It didn’t really soften in the temperatures we were in (between 10-15 degrees), rubbing it in took a long time and it was difficult to apply it evenly. Will try again during our summer holiday and hopefully the consistency will be better in warmer temperatures.

  83. Engelska


    The team was really nice and helpful and gave great advice. Now I’m using the tin for myself when I go swimming and running and the liquid sunscreen they have (it’s called Face & Body) for my children, because it is much easier to apply. Feel great to support a company with such awesome products, hope you launch more of them soon (a natural shampoo would be nice :))

  84. Engelska


    I have very sensitive skin that burns super easily, so I always have to take extreme care in the sun which is very annoying when you want to go climbing on a sunny day. Tried this sunscreen on a climbing trip in France and was very satisfied with the result: not even a hint of redness (on the skin parts where I had applied it)!

    Only downside: it does make you white for sure when you want to be protected the entire day. We usually applied a thin layer all over our faces plus some very visible “stripes” over our cheeks and on our noses. Some of my friends had been using similar creams / pastes before and were used to it, to me it was new but ultimately I didn’t mind – it looks quite cool actually, when you go climbing at least 🙂

  85. Engelska


    I ordered this product because the ingredients sound great, and the fact that it only has three of them (!!) is fantastic. Found it very hard to apply for every day use though, it does make you a bit white even when you only apply only a little bit. Will still give it five stars because for biking it was perfect and I’m simply stoked about the simplicity of it.

    In summary, it might not be the ideal product for me (since I don’t do more sports than mountain biking), so for my daily needs the more liquid sunscreen they have (the one that comes in a bottle) is much better suited.

  86. Engelska

    Nick A.

    Love this sunscreen because it just works incredibly well but really had to teach myself how to use it in the beginning (therefore only 4 stars). If it would be a bit softer I would love to give 5! The tricks I used over time: warmed the tin in my hands or even sat on it (that works great actually ;)), rubbed the sunscreen between my fingers / on the back of my hand before applying it onto my face, made vigorous use of my fingernails.

    Once you know how the application works, it’s really fantastic to use this sunscreen! Didn’t get burned a single time when I was wearing it, even when I forgot to reapply. The water resistance is incredible.

  87. Engelska


    Was looking for a sunscreen that doesn’t make my skin break out. This one really did the job well, it protects the entire day and after a week of using it daily I didn’t have any skin irritations or break-outs. Which is a great relief! Love that it’s only three ingredients.

  88. Engelska

    Davida Åström

    When I found this product I was so stoked about the entire concept, why would anyone use more ingredients if these three are more than enough? Especially when this product provides better sun protection than any other product I’ve tried, not even a sign of redness or sunburn. For my kind of skin that usually reacts to sunscreen with small pimples, it was such a relief to find this product. It felt smooth and absolutely non-greasy on my skin and I didn’t get a single pimple! It was rather that my skin looked more balanced afterward. Will absolutely buy it again.

  89. Engelska

    Tim Washington

    I used it for a prolonged working trip through South East Asia and it was the best item I brought along on the trip. I was out in the sun all day everyday.
    – I usually get sunburned on the first day regardless of how much sunscreen I put on but with this one I actually escaped any sunburn at all!
    – It’s definitely the most bulletproof method of sun protection I’ve encountered so far
    – Of course you can’t easily apply it on your entire body unfortunately, but for the face, hands and neck it worked better than anything else
    – Super waterproof, the question is more how to get it off! But we figured it out, either rubbing it into the skin afterwards (makes the skin super soft) or using a soft towel is the best approach.
    – Such a handy size to keep in your pocket and use readily.

    A great product for all outdoor activity not just sailing and surfing!

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