By Karl Roos - June 11, 2021
Once again we want to take you on a surfing journey with the Suntribe team in the surf mecca of Sweden. If you haven’t, check out our “Surfing in Sweden” post first.
This time, we set out to challenge the Swedish waves in “Spring”.
Spring is an interesting time for Swedish waves, it’s still fairly consistent (Rideable waves about 1 time per week), and it’s still very rough and cold (small crowds if any). Below you can find Suntribe Co-founder Julia Beyer in her “spring” suit, suitably geared up for a Swedish surf session. Sealed 4/3 wetsuit, 6mm hoodie, gloves and shoes. As an added bonus, you get to experience the first brain freeze of the year without having to wait for the ice cream debut.

This spring we searched along the south-eastern Swedish coast lines for new experiences. Even though the Australian surfing dream and the endless summer seems far away, this experience still carries a lot of the beauty that is surfing.
We walked along stony shore lines, together with goats and sheep, searching across the wind chopped waves for a location that would allow the waves to form into surfable small mountains.

Finally, the goats herded us in the right direction and we found a little bay with a small rock wall that shaped the waves into something the 8ft softboard could float upon.

Although the size of the waves are not large. The wind is strong. The temperature outside is freezing. It’s still more memorable than walking down to the local beach break in Australia. It’s more patagonia and Fjällräven (Swedish outdoors brand) than Rip Curl and Billabong, that’s for sure, but still, even without half naked people waiting on the beach it’s an amazing nature and sports experience.
After following the old surfing motto of “The Search” we settled for our familiar spots after a few weeks of searching the coast lines. As covered in our last post, Mölle, is one of the more famous and consistent spots Sweden has to offer. Spring is absolutely no exception.
We would take our Van and head up to the sleepy coastal town every time there were strong north winds in the air. Most of the time, we would be completely alone, with only the occasional dog walkers and weary fishermen as spectators.
The pictures below show a typical Mölle session in smaller waves. Jumping in over the sea wall into the wind protected parts of the inlet. Paddling out across the shallow, concrete bottom harbour ramps. To finally surf.

The sleepy town with it’s classical Swedish architecture looks as far from a surfing spot as I can imagine, but nowadays, I’m no longer fooled by the looks. Surfing in the Swedish spring is not a perfect surfing experience, but it will get you away from the crowds and once in a while show you something that you thought was impossible.

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